Well, here is what has been going on...Collin does not need to see any more special doctors other than his well check ups because everything came back normal from his last head ultra sound. I do not have to see the doctor anymore besides my well check ups also. Sean is doing well also. So it has been a relaxing couple of weeks.
I finally got most of everything organized and clean, I just need to go through my room and Sean's closet and I will feel like I am just about done. I made a toy room that I keep clean and organized with Sean and took all of the toys out of the boys room. And yes, I moved Collin's stuff in with Sean and he was excited. The day I made the toy room he kept saying 'I love you mom,' and kept giving me hugs. Then when I put the crib together is his room he was like 'It is going to be like a sleep over every night.' Sean loves sleep overs with his cousin Jason and his two best friends Nikki and Dylan. And Sean is such an easy going kid.
I bought a pool for the backyard with our neighbor downstairs. I actually bought 2 pools. I first bought Sean a little blow up pool and played in that for a day. When I was in the yard with Sean and Collin that is when our neighbor was out hanging out with us and was like I was at Target and was thinking of getting one of those big metal frame pools. I was like we will go in half for it. So I went out a picked one up from Walmart because they had the right size for a good price. We still plan on going to the park pool that has the fun stuff for the kids as well. Summer is going to be a lot of fun. We are also planning on going to Indiana Beach for a weekend in August to go camping and to the beach to have lots of fun with lots os kiddies.
The sad thing is that I only have 2.5 more weeks off until I go back to work. But I think it will be o.k. until Sean goes back to school and then we will have to be on a schedule and that will be tough. Right now we let Sean stay up late and then he sleeps in for me because Collin still wakes up twice at night. The 4 or 5 a.m. feeding is always tough because it is hard to put him back to bed and I usually stay up for an hour and a half at that time in the morning. So the later Sean sleeps, the better it is for me to get more sleep because Collin doesn't ususally wake up until 9 or 10.
Drew and I started our diet on Tuesday. Right now we are not eating carbs, and only eating 3 meals a day without snacking really. I may have a piece of cheese or a couple pickles, but it is a lot better than having all the junk food I was eating. For now I get my exercise by cleaning a lot or taking walks. I will get more exercise when I go back to work and when I am fully healed. But let me tell you, it has been a tough 3 days of being on a diet. I drink my coffee black with equal and it is so hard not having a doughnut with my coffee, or non the less having anything with sugar in it. I also only drink water besides my morning black coffee. I miss having a variety of drinks, but I am taking the sugar out for now, and then putting it back in with moderation. This was my routine with Sean. Wake up and go down the street for a walk and get our drinks and breakfast. Now I am COOKING myself breakfast and lunch and usually Drew cooks dinner. I have the willpower to lose a lot of weight now because I hate this extra weight and I hate the clothes that I am wearing. I want to wear my cute clothes again and look healthy. I am so excited about losing weight and looking better. My boys are going to benefit from this as well because I will have more energy to do more with them and they will eat better as well. We won't keep junk in our house anymore, or at least I say this now until we fall off the wagon. But I am going to work really hard at losing the weight this time because I miss being thin and going shopping for CUTE clothes.
So that is what is going on, Sean is a big boy now, he rides a big wheel and scooter now, and he plays with big boy toys. Collin is getting big so fast. He is changing every day. I don't know if we will have a red head because his baby hairs are falling out and his hair is getting brownish on the top but not the sides yet. He has such big eyes now and stays awake for longer periods of time. It is so exciting to see your baby grow up, but it is also so sad because you come to the realization that they aren't babies forever.
I am so extremely happy and in love with where my life is right now, and it makes me so comfortable. I hope everyone has a great summer.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
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It is so good to hear from you. I am glad that things are going well with Collin and you. Enjoy your next weeks off with the kids! Phil and I would love to get down there and see you guys some time this summer. Let us know what works for you guys!
I'm so glad you are in such an awesome place in your life. I know how rare it is for all the pieces to fall into place at the same time. My mom said it would be wonderful if you want to come out and we all meet up. Just let us know and Molly know and we will coordinate a date. :)
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