Monday, November 26, 2007

In the Mood for Christmas

I finally did something to my myspace page today to make it festive. I cannot wait until I can put up the tree and wrap all of the presents. We are putting up the tree the night of Sean's birthday party. I am counting down the days with Sean till we go to Chuck E Cheese.

Christmas seemed to come faster this year than any other year. I don't really know why that is. Maybe all of the hustle and bustle of things made the days fly by until we get to November. There is something to look forward to each week. Last week we had an excellent Thanksgiving. The food was the best, I actually enjoyed every bite. I worked the night before so I was a little sleepy, I took a little nap, and enjoyed the rest of the day. Next week I have my next Dr.s appt. I am anticaipating this one because it will be the first one in my second trimester. I have new aches and pains that worry the heck out of me, but I believe that everything is o.k. I am now 15 weeks, I cannot wait until I get to 20 to be like I am at the halfway mark. My clothes aren't getting tight yet. Give it a few weeks and I know I will need some new clothes around Christmas time.

I have all of these plans to get myself more into the holiday mood. We are going to go downtown to see the Christmas Tree at Daley Plaza. My sister and I also wanted to stroll on Michigan ave. to do a little shopping. Then of course putting up the tree and decorations. I am so relieved that I have a lot more enegy than I did a few weeks ago to be able to do a lot more.

That is all that is happening for now, any changes I will blog.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Everything seems to be o.k. now

I had my doctor's appointment last Wednesday. I was very nervous, but relieved that I made it to this week. My blood pressure was high when I first went in, but then they retook it before I left and it was fine. The doctor came in and took the microphone type thing to listen to the heartbeat. There wasn't a heartbeat using that device. She said not to worry because of the heart being so small, she may have missed it and we were going into the next room to do an ultrasound. So there the heartbeat was, strong and healthy. This baby was doing kicks and jumps. I was so relieved, I was laughing because I was so happy. I lost weight, but I already knew that, but the doctor said I will make up for it. Everything seems to be o.k. now.

I am 13 weeks now, only 7 more weeks until I can find out the sex of the baby. My friend Kerry hopes for it to be a girl because she just had a girl and she has A LOT of clothes packed away for me. If it is a boy I get all of Sean's old clothes and Jason's clothes. So either way I am set up for clothes. I feel a little better now that I am a week away from my second trimester. I have a little bit more energy, but i still sleep a little bit more than I used to. The morning sickness has gotten a lot better too. I still feel sick a lot, but not the the point where I have to get sick all of the time. I am still eating a pretty boring diet. I live off of Lipton's noodles and rice packets. I found my craving for now. I love slupees. With Sean I would eat ice like my Aunt Tina does, from a big cup and constantly refilling it. Right now I just love the icee drink.

Jason's birthday and party was a weekend ago. It was fun for all of the kids, and it was nice that I didn't have to be right next to Sean the entire time because he was having fun with all of his friends and they are a little older, they were looking after him.

Halloween was a blast too. Sean loved getting candy and going to our old neighbor Marie's house. He knows that whenever he goes there he gets spoiled. So we went there first to say hi, and left to go trick or treating. When Sean was tired of going trick or treating he kept saying he wanted to go back to the other house, and I knew what he meant. He wanted to go back to Marie's house. We all had a hysterically good time there. Sean was treated to whatever Marie gave him at the kitchen table while we were all making jokes. It was Drew, Noreen, Ed, and his girlfriend Jill in the front room. Marie had a bag of clothes she was trying to give my sister, so she went through them to make jokes. She pulled out this pair of pants that was a plaid tan color from the early 70's. Ed went upstairs to put them on and he just looked so funny in them and they fit him perfectly. He ended up taking them home because they were a good reto look. Drew was laughing so hard at Ed, we all never heard him laugh like that. Ed is good for that, making jokes and entertaining.

Now it is almost time for black Friday at Target. We are better staffed because we got an average of five people a week for three weeks. I already had several people quit because it wasn't the job for them. We still aren't a good team to get the work done in a timely manner, but at least we have bodies now. We will just keep hiring. I always say to myself that I will go in for the overtime but then I never do because I am too tired or just not up to it. These next couple of weeks I will go in for extra money. I am going to have Sean's birthday party at Chuck E Cheese on 12/8, and then here comes christmas. We don't have a lot of money because I am not working the hours I used to, but we will get by.

That is all for now, nothing else too exciting happening.