Nothing special is going on right now, other than working a lot right now. One of my bosses was fired on Christmas Eve and I am taking on more responsibility right now for the time being until they get a replacement sometime in Feb. Work has been hard on me lately because of the physical work invovled and I work hard. I have never had my body ache this much and I think it is because of being pregnant and working a lot of long hours and working hard to get things done. I look forward to being more pregnant than I am now so I can slow down and take it easy soon.
The pregnancy is going a lot better now a days. I am not sick for the week with any kind of illness such as the flu I had or a cold I had. It seemed like I was sick for like 8 weeks due to these illnesses and morning sickness. Good times are here until the baby grows and makes it hard to get comfortable. But as for now I am still able to fit into my regular size clothes for a couple of more weeks it seems. My ultra sound is next week, I am very anxious for that day to come. I want a girl badly, but if it is a boy I will be as equally happy, honestly. Sean tells us that he wants a brother. Drew says he doesn't know what he will do if it is a girl. But either way we are anxiously anticipating this little one to join our family.
Sean starts school again next week also. That is going to be a big adjustment because he is going to school for 6 hours a week instead of 2 hours a week that he went for in the fall quarter. I hope he likes it better than he did last quarter.
We all had a good Christmas, I am sad that it came and went so fast. For New Years I am working, so I will be ringing in the new year with my co-workers. That is all right though, I would just be sleeping if I was off anyways.
I look forward to what this year will bring. I am grateful for a good pregnancy so far and much love and happiness. I will keep everyone updated after I have my appointments next week as far as how everything is going this month. I am now five months, I think only 130 something more days to go, but that time will fly by.
Monday, December 31, 2007
Friday, December 7, 2007
A Couple of More Weeks
There are only 4 more weeks until I can make my appointment for the ultra sound. I am so excited, I am looking forward to this day as much as I am looking forward to Christmas. I will know the first week of January. I went to the doctor on Wednesday with Drew and Sean. They were able to come into the room with me this time because at these appointments they only take my blood pressure, weigh me, and then listen to the heart beat. The heart beat is going strong. When Sean went intoi the room and Drew was telling Sean that we will listen to the heart beat he said I want to see the baby. I told him not for a long time. But when we heard that heart beat, he had a big smile and was just staring at the thing that was making the noise. This made us so happy that day, to hear the heart beat and have Sean hear it also. When we were leaving the office Drew was like now it is starting to seem more real. He was nervous like I was that something wrong was going to happen so he didn't want to get overly excited until he knew everything was o.k. And now at this appointment it put us both at ease a lot.
I am finally over my first trimester sickness but now I am into my second trimester growing pains. The ligaments are stretching and oh boy does it hurt at work when I am doing a lot of bending. I was really worried about the amount of pain I was experiencing but the doctor said it hurts more than the first pregnancy and this is so true.
Sean's party is finally here. It is tomorrow and we all can't wait. Then after his party we can just talk about the amount of days left until Christmas because we have been showing him on the calander how far his party was and Christmas. We have a figure that we turn the dice on to count the days down until Christmas, but Sean always wants to keep the numbers at 25 because that is what we started at. He gets so frustrated when we try to teach him something and he doesn't understand it. It will get better when he gets into school more.
Sean's preschool quarter is over until January. The Chicago Park District programs go in quarters and now we have a long winter break until the next quarter. He won't mind the break though. I am excited about him starting the new program because we were able to sign him up into the 4 year old program that he will go to school for one more day and the days are 2 hours instead of one hour. So now when we drop him off we will be able to go home for the 2 hours instead of just hanging around the park. That is exciuting.
Well that is all of the updates I have for now as to what is going on in my little family.
I am finally over my first trimester sickness but now I am into my second trimester growing pains. The ligaments are stretching and oh boy does it hurt at work when I am doing a lot of bending. I was really worried about the amount of pain I was experiencing but the doctor said it hurts more than the first pregnancy and this is so true.
Sean's party is finally here. It is tomorrow and we all can't wait. Then after his party we can just talk about the amount of days left until Christmas because we have been showing him on the calander how far his party was and Christmas. We have a figure that we turn the dice on to count the days down until Christmas, but Sean always wants to keep the numbers at 25 because that is what we started at. He gets so frustrated when we try to teach him something and he doesn't understand it. It will get better when he gets into school more.
Sean's preschool quarter is over until January. The Chicago Park District programs go in quarters and now we have a long winter break until the next quarter. He won't mind the break though. I am excited about him starting the new program because we were able to sign him up into the 4 year old program that he will go to school for one more day and the days are 2 hours instead of one hour. So now when we drop him off we will be able to go home for the 2 hours instead of just hanging around the park. That is exciuting.
Well that is all of the updates I have for now as to what is going on in my little family.
Monday, November 26, 2007
In the Mood for Christmas
I finally did something to my myspace page today to make it festive. I cannot wait until I can put up the tree and wrap all of the presents. We are putting up the tree the night of Sean's birthday party. I am counting down the days with Sean till we go to Chuck E Cheese.
Christmas seemed to come faster this year than any other year. I don't really know why that is. Maybe all of the hustle and bustle of things made the days fly by until we get to November. There is something to look forward to each week. Last week we had an excellent Thanksgiving. The food was the best, I actually enjoyed every bite. I worked the night before so I was a little sleepy, I took a little nap, and enjoyed the rest of the day. Next week I have my next Dr.s appt. I am anticaipating this one because it will be the first one in my second trimester. I have new aches and pains that worry the heck out of me, but I believe that everything is o.k. I am now 15 weeks, I cannot wait until I get to 20 to be like I am at the halfway mark. My clothes aren't getting tight yet. Give it a few weeks and I know I will need some new clothes around Christmas time.
I have all of these plans to get myself more into the holiday mood. We are going to go downtown to see the Christmas Tree at Daley Plaza. My sister and I also wanted to stroll on Michigan ave. to do a little shopping. Then of course putting up the tree and decorations. I am so relieved that I have a lot more enegy than I did a few weeks ago to be able to do a lot more.
That is all that is happening for now, any changes I will blog.
Christmas seemed to come faster this year than any other year. I don't really know why that is. Maybe all of the hustle and bustle of things made the days fly by until we get to November. There is something to look forward to each week. Last week we had an excellent Thanksgiving. The food was the best, I actually enjoyed every bite. I worked the night before so I was a little sleepy, I took a little nap, and enjoyed the rest of the day. Next week I have my next Dr.s appt. I am anticaipating this one because it will be the first one in my second trimester. I have new aches and pains that worry the heck out of me, but I believe that everything is o.k. I am now 15 weeks, I cannot wait until I get to 20 to be like I am at the halfway mark. My clothes aren't getting tight yet. Give it a few weeks and I know I will need some new clothes around Christmas time.
I have all of these plans to get myself more into the holiday mood. We are going to go downtown to see the Christmas Tree at Daley Plaza. My sister and I also wanted to stroll on Michigan ave. to do a little shopping. Then of course putting up the tree and decorations. I am so relieved that I have a lot more enegy than I did a few weeks ago to be able to do a lot more.
That is all that is happening for now, any changes I will blog.
Monday, November 12, 2007
Everything seems to be o.k. now
I had my doctor's appointment last Wednesday. I was very nervous, but relieved that I made it to this week. My blood pressure was high when I first went in, but then they retook it before I left and it was fine. The doctor came in and took the microphone type thing to listen to the heartbeat. There wasn't a heartbeat using that device. She said not to worry because of the heart being so small, she may have missed it and we were going into the next room to do an ultrasound. So there the heartbeat was, strong and healthy. This baby was doing kicks and jumps. I was so relieved, I was laughing because I was so happy. I lost weight, but I already knew that, but the doctor said I will make up for it. Everything seems to be o.k. now.
I am 13 weeks now, only 7 more weeks until I can find out the sex of the baby. My friend Kerry hopes for it to be a girl because she just had a girl and she has A LOT of clothes packed away for me. If it is a boy I get all of Sean's old clothes and Jason's clothes. So either way I am set up for clothes. I feel a little better now that I am a week away from my second trimester. I have a little bit more energy, but i still sleep a little bit more than I used to. The morning sickness has gotten a lot better too. I still feel sick a lot, but not the the point where I have to get sick all of the time. I am still eating a pretty boring diet. I live off of Lipton's noodles and rice packets. I found my craving for now. I love slupees. With Sean I would eat ice like my Aunt Tina does, from a big cup and constantly refilling it. Right now I just love the icee drink.
Jason's birthday and party was a weekend ago. It was fun for all of the kids, and it was nice that I didn't have to be right next to Sean the entire time because he was having fun with all of his friends and they are a little older, they were looking after him.
Halloween was a blast too. Sean loved getting candy and going to our old neighbor Marie's house. He knows that whenever he goes there he gets spoiled. So we went there first to say hi, and left to go trick or treating. When Sean was tired of going trick or treating he kept saying he wanted to go back to the other house, and I knew what he meant. He wanted to go back to Marie's house. We all had a hysterically good time there. Sean was treated to whatever Marie gave him at the kitchen table while we were all making jokes. It was Drew, Noreen, Ed, and his girlfriend Jill in the front room. Marie had a bag of clothes she was trying to give my sister, so she went through them to make jokes. She pulled out this pair of pants that was a plaid tan color from the early 70's. Ed went upstairs to put them on and he just looked so funny in them and they fit him perfectly. He ended up taking them home because they were a good reto look. Drew was laughing so hard at Ed, we all never heard him laugh like that. Ed is good for that, making jokes and entertaining.
Now it is almost time for black Friday at Target. We are better staffed because we got an average of five people a week for three weeks. I already had several people quit because it wasn't the job for them. We still aren't a good team to get the work done in a timely manner, but at least we have bodies now. We will just keep hiring. I always say to myself that I will go in for the overtime but then I never do because I am too tired or just not up to it. These next couple of weeks I will go in for extra money. I am going to have Sean's birthday party at Chuck E Cheese on 12/8, and then here comes christmas. We don't have a lot of money because I am not working the hours I used to, but we will get by.
That is all for now, nothing else too exciting happening.
I am 13 weeks now, only 7 more weeks until I can find out the sex of the baby. My friend Kerry hopes for it to be a girl because she just had a girl and she has A LOT of clothes packed away for me. If it is a boy I get all of Sean's old clothes and Jason's clothes. So either way I am set up for clothes. I feel a little better now that I am a week away from my second trimester. I have a little bit more energy, but i still sleep a little bit more than I used to. The morning sickness has gotten a lot better too. I still feel sick a lot, but not the the point where I have to get sick all of the time. I am still eating a pretty boring diet. I live off of Lipton's noodles and rice packets. I found my craving for now. I love slupees. With Sean I would eat ice like my Aunt Tina does, from a big cup and constantly refilling it. Right now I just love the icee drink.
Jason's birthday and party was a weekend ago. It was fun for all of the kids, and it was nice that I didn't have to be right next to Sean the entire time because he was having fun with all of his friends and they are a little older, they were looking after him.
Halloween was a blast too. Sean loved getting candy and going to our old neighbor Marie's house. He knows that whenever he goes there he gets spoiled. So we went there first to say hi, and left to go trick or treating. When Sean was tired of going trick or treating he kept saying he wanted to go back to the other house, and I knew what he meant. He wanted to go back to Marie's house. We all had a hysterically good time there. Sean was treated to whatever Marie gave him at the kitchen table while we were all making jokes. It was Drew, Noreen, Ed, and his girlfriend Jill in the front room. Marie had a bag of clothes she was trying to give my sister, so she went through them to make jokes. She pulled out this pair of pants that was a plaid tan color from the early 70's. Ed went upstairs to put them on and he just looked so funny in them and they fit him perfectly. He ended up taking them home because they were a good reto look. Drew was laughing so hard at Ed, we all never heard him laugh like that. Ed is good for that, making jokes and entertaining.
Now it is almost time for black Friday at Target. We are better staffed because we got an average of five people a week for three weeks. I already had several people quit because it wasn't the job for them. We still aren't a good team to get the work done in a timely manner, but at least we have bodies now. We will just keep hiring. I always say to myself that I will go in for the overtime but then I never do because I am too tired or just not up to it. These next couple of weeks I will go in for extra money. I am going to have Sean's birthday party at Chuck E Cheese on 12/8, and then here comes christmas. We don't have a lot of money because I am not working the hours I used to, but we will get by.
That is all for now, nothing else too exciting happening.
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Everything is O.K. So Far
I am 11 weeks pregnant to the day. It is still really early, and still in the danger zone. I know everything is still functioning still because I have morning sickness and have lost quite a bit of weight because I do not like food right now. I cannot wait until I can eat a full meal, and it doesn't matter what it is, and not feel sick.
My next Dr.s appt. is 11/7. I cannot wait until I hear the heartbeat or see it again. It will put me at ease, and Drew at ease. I am nervous everyday that something is going to happen, but I am a week futher along than the last one. I am so anticipating May 17th to come so I can meet this baby that has made me so tired and sick for the past 5 weeks. It seems like it has been longer than that.
I finally told Sean the other day that I have another baby in my belly. I am always getting sick and he thought that I was just always sick. He is 3, so he doesn't understand but I told him the reason that I am so sick is because I have a baby in my belly. He said another baby. He gets really excited, and he said I want a brother. I know he doesn't know the timelinss of it or the concept of me being pregnant, but hopefully he will meet a sister or brother in May '08.
I want to be able to tell all of my family and Drew's family, but I am waiting to be out of my first trimester this time. I have a couple more weeks to go. I can find out the sex of the baby the first week of January. I was hoping it could have been the week of christmas, but instead it will be a new year's gift. My last pregnancy I was hoping for a girl, but this one I really do not care. Of course I would like a girl to dresss up and have girl toys around. If it is a boy he will have his cousin Jason to look up to being only a year apart and have a big brother who can show him the ropes and share everything with.
It is not fun being pregnant right now and being in the situation that I am in at work. We are now in the 4th quarter at work, and we are so understaffed. We have a computer program that tells us what our get out time is according to how many people are there on a night's basis, and it always takes more than 12 hours to get the workload done. I am scheduled for 4 10hr shifts a week. The past week I could not make it until 8 a.m. because of getting sick and not being able to regain my strength after getting sick. I feel bad that I am not able to do everything that I was able to do in the sense that I am short term disabled. But that is just my stubordness that I want to work hard. I fully understand that my health comes first and I am putting myself first for this baby. I only called off on 9/12 so far and that was the day after my first ultra sound when I didn't know if everything was o.k. I was not feeling well still and not in the spirits to go to work that night. But since then I have been pushing myself to have a good attendance record. Even if it means getting sick before work, at work, and after work, I was still there to lead my team and make sure everything went o.k.
Sean is going to be Buzz Lightyear again for halloween. I can't wait until Wednesday. My dad is coming out to see his grandkids in their costumes. We will be going trick or treating in my old neighborhood with Noreen, Jason, Ed, and Drew, he has the day off of work. I am looking forward to Sean having a blast and getting some good candy for the house.
So this week is halloween and then two birthday parties and then work work work and then my Dr.s appt. I will blog shortly after that.
My next Dr.s appt. is 11/7. I cannot wait until I hear the heartbeat or see it again. It will put me at ease, and Drew at ease. I am nervous everyday that something is going to happen, but I am a week futher along than the last one. I am so anticipating May 17th to come so I can meet this baby that has made me so tired and sick for the past 5 weeks. It seems like it has been longer than that.
I finally told Sean the other day that I have another baby in my belly. I am always getting sick and he thought that I was just always sick. He is 3, so he doesn't understand but I told him the reason that I am so sick is because I have a baby in my belly. He said another baby. He gets really excited, and he said I want a brother. I know he doesn't know the timelinss of it or the concept of me being pregnant, but hopefully he will meet a sister or brother in May '08.
I want to be able to tell all of my family and Drew's family, but I am waiting to be out of my first trimester this time. I have a couple more weeks to go. I can find out the sex of the baby the first week of January. I was hoping it could have been the week of christmas, but instead it will be a new year's gift. My last pregnancy I was hoping for a girl, but this one I really do not care. Of course I would like a girl to dresss up and have girl toys around. If it is a boy he will have his cousin Jason to look up to being only a year apart and have a big brother who can show him the ropes and share everything with.
It is not fun being pregnant right now and being in the situation that I am in at work. We are now in the 4th quarter at work, and we are so understaffed. We have a computer program that tells us what our get out time is according to how many people are there on a night's basis, and it always takes more than 12 hours to get the workload done. I am scheduled for 4 10hr shifts a week. The past week I could not make it until 8 a.m. because of getting sick and not being able to regain my strength after getting sick. I feel bad that I am not able to do everything that I was able to do in the sense that I am short term disabled. But that is just my stubordness that I want to work hard. I fully understand that my health comes first and I am putting myself first for this baby. I only called off on 9/12 so far and that was the day after my first ultra sound when I didn't know if everything was o.k. I was not feeling well still and not in the spirits to go to work that night. But since then I have been pushing myself to have a good attendance record. Even if it means getting sick before work, at work, and after work, I was still there to lead my team and make sure everything went o.k.
Sean is going to be Buzz Lightyear again for halloween. I can't wait until Wednesday. My dad is coming out to see his grandkids in their costumes. We will be going trick or treating in my old neighborhood with Noreen, Jason, Ed, and Drew, he has the day off of work. I am looking forward to Sean having a blast and getting some good candy for the house.
So this week is halloween and then two birthday parties and then work work work and then my Dr.s appt. I will blog shortly after that.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
The Beginning
Welcome to my blog in which you will learn a lot about me and what is going on. Today I am starting this because I have a lot on my mind and I want to let it out in other ways than talking sometimes. So here it goes.
I found out I am pregnant again about two weeks ago or so. I went out and bought 3 tests and they all came back negative. I got a test from my friend and by then I should have been 4 weeks and that came back negative. I was like how can this be? I know I am! I was 9 days late and so I bought another box. So far I had spent about $26 dollars on tests for the month. I took the test on a Tuesday morning after I came home from work and left the test in the bathroom drawer because the results did not appear right away. I proceeded on with my day by going down the block for breakfast with Sean and Drew. It was on my mind and to top it all off the lady at Dunkin Donuts that I see everyday asked me when I was going to have another one? I kind of shrugged off the question and inside I was like I hope I am pregnant and I can tell her the good news that I am having another one real soon. We left the donut shop, my husband took Sean up to the park, and I went home to go to bed. Why didn't I check the test then? I was too tired so I didn't think of it. So I fell fast asleep and woke up about 1:15 and went to the bathroom, pulled open the drawer, and surprise, there are two lines on the test. One line was really faint, but that counts. I walked out of the bathroom down the hall and showed my husband. We were both overjoyed. After all, this is what we really wanted for quite some time now. Drew went to work, and by the time he came home I was asleep. I woke up in the morning at some point and found a card and flowers on the table. He is so thoughtful. I felt pregnant, happy, and so far so good.
Monday the 10th, the day of our 2 year anniversary, I felt a lot of cramping on my left side and the cramps didn't go away. I went on the internet and read my book. This wasn't a good sign and I started freaking out. I went into work that night because I was the only Leader on Duty that day. I was at work for and hour and a half and the pains just got worse as I tried to do my job. I started getting all teary eyed and worried, so I had my friend at work take over what I was doing to make some phone calls to get someone else in so I can go home. At 1:39 I went home. I called the Dr.s office as soon as it opened at 9:00. My Dr. told me to go in for an ultra sound at 1:00. We all went to the hospital and had the ultra sound. The result from that is to go back in a week and have another one done. I should be 6 wks and 4 days according to last menst. cycle. But if conception happened later than what the normal cycle says, then I am only 5 weeks. I hope I am only 5 weeks because all they saw was a sac. They could not see much. After the ultra sound I went upstairs and talked to my Dr. to discuss the plan. I had to get blood work done to count the HCG levels. If the count was extremely high the Dr. would call me and have me go in for another draw 48 hours after the first one to see if it went up or down. She did not call so that is the first good sign. Now I will have to wait for the next 3 weeks to find out anything. I am going to make my ultra sound appt for the 26th, because my Dr. is on vacation next week. I have an appt. scheduled for 10/2, and that is when I will find out the results.
I am on a roller coaster ride. I felt pregnant on Sunday. Monday is when the pains started. Tuesday went to the hospital. Wednesday I slept on and off until my friend from work called and invited Sean and I over so Sean and her son could play. I realized in the car on the way over that the pain is finally gone. Since then it has not come back. I took the night off of work to take it easy for one more day since it was less than 24 hrs. since I had that pain. Now at 3:10 a.m. I cannot sleep because of my goofy sleep schedule and I am doing this.
I don't want to go through another miscarriage. I want another child badly and I want Sean to have a brother or sister. I will keep this blog updated as anything changes. I am going to take it very easy, take care of myself, and get as much rest as I can. When I am sleeping it is the best thing right now. Time goes by and my mind stops working. I feel bad for Drew and Sean though because I am not spending time with them. This is so difficult and I don't want to get out of bed sometimes. When I know what is going on then I can move forward either being overjoyed but worried at the same time, or I will be under my blanket asking why me?
I will post more blogs besides this topic and let others know about Sean's first day of pre-k on the 25th. Sorry it is so lengthy being the first blog, but there are a lot of details to get the whole picture. I will try to shorten the next blogs.
I found out I am pregnant again about two weeks ago or so. I went out and bought 3 tests and they all came back negative. I got a test from my friend and by then I should have been 4 weeks and that came back negative. I was like how can this be? I know I am! I was 9 days late and so I bought another box. So far I had spent about $26 dollars on tests for the month. I took the test on a Tuesday morning after I came home from work and left the test in the bathroom drawer because the results did not appear right away. I proceeded on with my day by going down the block for breakfast with Sean and Drew. It was on my mind and to top it all off the lady at Dunkin Donuts that I see everyday asked me when I was going to have another one? I kind of shrugged off the question and inside I was like I hope I am pregnant and I can tell her the good news that I am having another one real soon. We left the donut shop, my husband took Sean up to the park, and I went home to go to bed. Why didn't I check the test then? I was too tired so I didn't think of it. So I fell fast asleep and woke up about 1:15 and went to the bathroom, pulled open the drawer, and surprise, there are two lines on the test. One line was really faint, but that counts. I walked out of the bathroom down the hall and showed my husband. We were both overjoyed. After all, this is what we really wanted for quite some time now. Drew went to work, and by the time he came home I was asleep. I woke up in the morning at some point and found a card and flowers on the table. He is so thoughtful. I felt pregnant, happy, and so far so good.
Monday the 10th, the day of our 2 year anniversary, I felt a lot of cramping on my left side and the cramps didn't go away. I went on the internet and read my book. This wasn't a good sign and I started freaking out. I went into work that night because I was the only Leader on Duty that day. I was at work for and hour and a half and the pains just got worse as I tried to do my job. I started getting all teary eyed and worried, so I had my friend at work take over what I was doing to make some phone calls to get someone else in so I can go home. At 1:39 I went home. I called the Dr.s office as soon as it opened at 9:00. My Dr. told me to go in for an ultra sound at 1:00. We all went to the hospital and had the ultra sound. The result from that is to go back in a week and have another one done. I should be 6 wks and 4 days according to last menst. cycle. But if conception happened later than what the normal cycle says, then I am only 5 weeks. I hope I am only 5 weeks because all they saw was a sac. They could not see much. After the ultra sound I went upstairs and talked to my Dr. to discuss the plan. I had to get blood work done to count the HCG levels. If the count was extremely high the Dr. would call me and have me go in for another draw 48 hours after the first one to see if it went up or down. She did not call so that is the first good sign. Now I will have to wait for the next 3 weeks to find out anything. I am going to make my ultra sound appt for the 26th, because my Dr. is on vacation next week. I have an appt. scheduled for 10/2, and that is when I will find out the results.
I am on a roller coaster ride. I felt pregnant on Sunday. Monday is when the pains started. Tuesday went to the hospital. Wednesday I slept on and off until my friend from work called and invited Sean and I over so Sean and her son could play. I realized in the car on the way over that the pain is finally gone. Since then it has not come back. I took the night off of work to take it easy for one more day since it was less than 24 hrs. since I had that pain. Now at 3:10 a.m. I cannot sleep because of my goofy sleep schedule and I am doing this.
I don't want to go through another miscarriage. I want another child badly and I want Sean to have a brother or sister. I will keep this blog updated as anything changes. I am going to take it very easy, take care of myself, and get as much rest as I can. When I am sleeping it is the best thing right now. Time goes by and my mind stops working. I feel bad for Drew and Sean though because I am not spending time with them. This is so difficult and I don't want to get out of bed sometimes. When I know what is going on then I can move forward either being overjoyed but worried at the same time, or I will be under my blanket asking why me?
I will post more blogs besides this topic and let others know about Sean's first day of pre-k on the 25th. Sorry it is so lengthy being the first blog, but there are a lot of details to get the whole picture. I will try to shorten the next blogs.
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