I am 11 weeks pregnant to the day. It is still really early, and still in the danger zone. I know everything is still functioning still because I have morning sickness and have lost quite a bit of weight because I do not like food right now. I cannot wait until I can eat a full meal, and it doesn't matter what it is, and not feel sick.
My next Dr.s appt. is 11/7. I cannot wait until I hear the heartbeat or see it again. It will put me at ease, and Drew at ease. I am nervous everyday that something is going to happen, but I am a week futher along than the last one. I am so anticipating May 17th to come so I can meet this baby that has made me so tired and sick for the past 5 weeks. It seems like it has been longer than that.
I finally told Sean the other day that I have another baby in my belly. I am always getting sick and he thought that I was just always sick. He is 3, so he doesn't understand but I told him the reason that I am so sick is because I have a baby in my belly. He said another baby. He gets really excited, and he said I want a brother. I know he doesn't know the timelinss of it or the concept of me being pregnant, but hopefully he will meet a sister or brother in May '08.
I want to be able to tell all of my family and Drew's family, but I am waiting to be out of my first trimester this time. I have a couple more weeks to go. I can find out the sex of the baby the first week of January. I was hoping it could have been the week of christmas, but instead it will be a new year's gift. My last pregnancy I was hoping for a girl, but this one I really do not care. Of course I would like a girl to dresss up and have girl toys around. If it is a boy he will have his cousin Jason to look up to being only a year apart and have a big brother who can show him the ropes and share everything with.
It is not fun being pregnant right now and being in the situation that I am in at work. We are now in the 4th quarter at work, and we are so understaffed. We have a computer program that tells us what our get out time is according to how many people are there on a night's basis, and it always takes more than 12 hours to get the workload done. I am scheduled for 4 10hr shifts a week. The past week I could not make it until 8 a.m. because of getting sick and not being able to regain my strength after getting sick. I feel bad that I am not able to do everything that I was able to do in the sense that I am short term disabled. But that is just my stubordness that I want to work hard. I fully understand that my health comes first and I am putting myself first for this baby. I only called off on 9/12 so far and that was the day after my first ultra sound when I didn't know if everything was o.k. I was not feeling well still and not in the spirits to go to work that night. But since then I have been pushing myself to have a good attendance record. Even if it means getting sick before work, at work, and after work, I was still there to lead my team and make sure everything went o.k.
Sean is going to be Buzz Lightyear again for halloween. I can't wait until Wednesday. My dad is coming out to see his grandkids in their costumes. We will be going trick or treating in my old neighborhood with Noreen, Jason, Ed, and Drew, he has the day off of work. I am looking forward to Sean having a blast and getting some good candy for the house.
So this week is halloween and then two birthday parties and then work work work and then my Dr.s appt. I will blog shortly after that.
Saturday, October 27, 2007
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