Welcome to my blog in which you will learn a lot about me and what is going on. Today I am starting this because I have a lot on my mind and I want to let it out in other ways than talking sometimes. So here it goes.
I found out I am pregnant again about two weeks ago or so. I went out and bought 3 tests and they all came back negative. I got a test from my friend and by then I should have been 4 weeks and that came back negative. I was like how can this be? I know I am! I was 9 days late and so I bought another box. So far I had spent about $26 dollars on tests for the month. I took the test on a Tuesday morning after I came home from work and left the test in the bathroom drawer because the results did not appear right away. I proceeded on with my day by going down the block for breakfast with Sean and Drew. It was on my mind and to top it all off the lady at Dunkin Donuts that I see everyday asked me when I was going to have another one? I kind of shrugged off the question and inside I was like I hope I am pregnant and I can tell her the good news that I am having another one real soon. We left the donut shop, my husband took Sean up to the park, and I went home to go to bed. Why didn't I check the test then? I was too tired so I didn't think of it. So I fell fast asleep and woke up about 1:15 and went to the bathroom, pulled open the drawer, and surprise, there are two lines on the test. One line was really faint, but that counts. I walked out of the bathroom down the hall and showed my husband. We were both overjoyed. After all, this is what we really wanted for quite some time now. Drew went to work, and by the time he came home I was asleep. I woke up in the morning at some point and found a card and flowers on the table. He is so thoughtful. I felt pregnant, happy, and so far so good.
Monday the 10th, the day of our 2 year anniversary, I felt a lot of cramping on my left side and the cramps didn't go away. I went on the internet and read my book. This wasn't a good sign and I started freaking out. I went into work that night because I was the only Leader on Duty that day. I was at work for and hour and a half and the pains just got worse as I tried to do my job. I started getting all teary eyed and worried, so I had my friend at work take over what I was doing to make some phone calls to get someone else in so I can go home. At 1:39 I went home. I called the Dr.s office as soon as it opened at 9:00. My Dr. told me to go in for an ultra sound at 1:00. We all went to the hospital and had the ultra sound. The result from that is to go back in a week and have another one done. I should be 6 wks and 4 days according to last menst. cycle. But if conception happened later than what the normal cycle says, then I am only 5 weeks. I hope I am only 5 weeks because all they saw was a sac. They could not see much. After the ultra sound I went upstairs and talked to my Dr. to discuss the plan. I had to get blood work done to count the HCG levels. If the count was extremely high the Dr. would call me and have me go in for another draw 48 hours after the first one to see if it went up or down. She did not call so that is the first good sign. Now I will have to wait for the next 3 weeks to find out anything. I am going to make my ultra sound appt for the 26th, because my Dr. is on vacation next week. I have an appt. scheduled for 10/2, and that is when I will find out the results.
I am on a roller coaster ride. I felt pregnant on Sunday. Monday is when the pains started. Tuesday went to the hospital. Wednesday I slept on and off until my friend from work called and invited Sean and I over so Sean and her son could play. I realized in the car on the way over that the pain is finally gone. Since then it has not come back. I took the night off of work to take it easy for one more day since it was less than 24 hrs. since I had that pain. Now at 3:10 a.m. I cannot sleep because of my goofy sleep schedule and I am doing this.
I don't want to go through another miscarriage. I want another child badly and I want Sean to have a brother or sister. I will keep this blog updated as anything changes. I am going to take it very easy, take care of myself, and get as much rest as I can. When I am sleeping it is the best thing right now. Time goes by and my mind stops working. I feel bad for Drew and Sean though because I am not spending time with them. This is so difficult and I don't want to get out of bed sometimes. When I know what is going on then I can move forward either being overjoyed but worried at the same time, or I will be under my blanket asking why me?
I will post more blogs besides this topic and let others know about Sean's first day of pre-k on the 25th. Sorry it is so lengthy being the first blog, but there are a lot of details to get the whole picture. I will try to shorten the next blogs.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
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